August 29, 2013

[Twitter] Another tweet storm from Junsu

[Trans] This is death!!!


@leejeehoon79: Thank you for your hard work [Japanese written in hangul]:) 
Amazing job XiaTod:) Today was overflowing with so much passion and energy
Junsu: Thank you for your hard work [Japanese written in hangul]^^ Hyung has (worked hard) as well like when I am in top shape.. too! Hehe Hwaiting!!


[Trans] Those who also come to watch Elizabeth today and cheered and applauded, thank you all^^ it's been make-up on the way home keke


@poimin73: Let's eat something delicious!!! You're too skinny!!!!!!
Junsu: Hyung! Let's go eat eel~
@leejeehoon79: Too late at night I'll give it a miss..Fresh water eel 
Junsu: Hyungs when are we going~Let's go eat eel as a promised arrangement between men keke 


@poimin73: Meet tomorrow after performance ends keke but at that time where can we go?? kekeke 

@poimin73: Yes in due time eke Lets go get eel Kekeke Barge into Junsu's home Keke Completely rocking out kekeke

Junsu: Tomorrow eels go go!


Ke, I will check it out and contact you both~^^

Source: @1215thexiahtic and @poimin73 and @lrrjrrhoon79
Translated by: @chloe6002 + rilanna of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJCIRCLE and JYJ3

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