January 13, 2013

[Star of the Week] JYJ′s Kim Jae Joong

With a successful career as a singer, actor and all-around entertainer, it′s no surprise that JYJ′s Kim Jae Joong incites intense reactions from fans all around the world.

While some celebrities need to go to extremes for attention, all Kim Jae Joong seems to need to do is tweet a photo, delete his Twitter, bring back his Twitter, and so on, for millions to go wild. So when he does something like release a solo mini-album, you can only imagine the insanity that occurs - and understand why he′s our Star of the Week.

It′s only a few weeks into 2013, but Kim Jae Joong walked into the new year with another rookie award for acting, has sold out his mini-concert and of course, his pre-released single has already taken over the charts.

Kim Jae Joong is clearly set on doing a lot more this year - and we′ll keep you covered through it all - but in the meantime, make sure to keep checking in today for more special articles on Kim Jae Joong!

Read the other articles on Jaejoong for Star of the Week:

[1] JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong, the Acting Man

[2] JYJ Kim Jae Joong′s Best Twitter Moments

[3] (Song Review) JYJ Kim Jae Joong′s ′One Kiss′ is Fit for the Grand Stage

[4] The Cat That Stole JYJ Kim Jae Joong’s Heart (And Ours)

Credit: enewsworld
Shared by: Hellothrice

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