August 9, 2014


To all the fans attending the concert tonight, have a great time! 

Though at JYJCIRCLE, the admins have gotten busy with their personal lives, JYJ still remains precious to us. We continue to support them and continue to wish our Kings the best. 

We wish them and all JYJ fans happiness and love~^^

October 25, 2013

[JYJ Facebook] Jaejoong Teasers + Junsu "December" Musical + JYJ in Vietnam!



Shared by: JYJCircle

[Twitter/Instagram] Jaejoong Shares Some Pics + Vids!

[Video Trans] Come here! Come here! Ahh~ Hiro! Meh~-rong (T/N: Meh~rong is a playful sound made after a joke/prank)

 [Trans] Since I worked hard, I'm gonna have some beer.

[Video Trans] Hiro-yah, open the bottle for me. In the end..this kid opened it for me 

 [Trans] Craving a late-night snack... 

 [Trans] 'Butterfly' is coming at 12 o'clock!

 [Trans] Yuchun Jaejoong album monitoring

 [Trans] dugeun dugeun (T/N: Heartbeat sounds)

Source: @bornfreeonekiss
Translated by: @ohmyjunsu [1-4] + JYJCircle [5-6]
Shared by: JYJCircle